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Woodturning Classes
Your Friendly Neighborhood Woodworking Store
Aussie-owned since 1969. Specialists in fine woods. Now Online!
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Our Classes
Learn with a woodturner/ teacher with over 20 years experience!
Brendon Venner is a professional furniture restorer with a Certificate 3 in Woodturning from NSW TAFE, studying under both George Hatfield and the late John Ewart.
His expertise encompasses trade, craft and studio woodturning with an extensive background in mentoring beginner woodturning hobbyists and improving and building on the skills of seasoned woodturners.
Benefits of woodturning classes at Trend Timbers:
- Learning with a veteran teacher who has instructed both beginners and seasoned turners for years
- The opportunity to work with a range of exotic timber species
- Developing safe correct turning techniques in a structured learning process
- Learning essential safety procedures relevant to operating a lathe
- Experience correct preparation and application of a range of finishes including waxes and oils
- After class support from the teacher on technical issues or product advice
- No hidden costs – single price covers instruction, tools, timbers, finishes and safety gear, simply book your position and you are ready to learn woodturning!!
Please see link below for current dates of our courses:
Module 1:
Introduction To Woodturning – 2 Day Course
Undertaking this module supports our safety record and assists the student in developing correct basic turning skills which become essential throughout more advanced modules.
Day 1
This course has been designed to introduce fundamental woodturning techniques to student with little or no previous experience.
The prime objective is to develop foundation skills related to woodturning in a safe manner while turning between centres and basic faceplate (bowl) techniques.
Each exercise is part of a gradation of learning of the correct techniques and developing relevant knowledge.
There is a small amount of theory that
will be discussed, but the aim is to quickly move onto hands-on practices.
The first day will result in each student completing a wooden pen and reversible candle holder.
Day 2
Concentrates on knowledge and techniques related to face plate turning in the form of a bowl.
While preparing and turning a bowl the students learn about procuring timber, seasoning, a discussion of work holding as well as sanding and finishing techniques.
This module makes the student aware of tool presentation and cutting directions in order to achieve the best work that requires the least sanding.
The second day will result in each student completing at least one bowl, or more if time permits.

Module 2:
Bowl Turning – 2 Day Course
This module builds basic bowl turning techniques and introduces a range
of holding devices as well as a discussion on bowl design.
During this course the student will produce a number of bowls in different
styles using a range of tools.
The bowls will be turned from an attractive range of turning timbers such as
Mahogany, Camphor Laurel, Myrtle, New Guinea Rosewood, Tasmanian Blackwood
and others.
The students will gain experience in a variety of finishes including
friction polishes, waxes and oils.
*This module DOESN’T require completion of “Module 1: Introduction to Woodturning” to undertake.*

Module 3:
Between Centres Turning – 2 Day Course
This course is for students who wish to develop their skills in turning between centres using correct traditional skills.
Included are detailed instruction in using roughing gouges, spindle gouges and skew chisels.
Techniques involved will be turning beads, coves and compound curves, shaping a pommel on a square block, cutting across end grain and forming beads adjacent to square blocks.
Articles produced include a turning tool handle, brad awl, garden dibber, rolling pin, spatula, ornate door wedges, wine bottle stopper and a spinning top.
*Requires completion of Module 1. Introduction to Woodturning Course.*

Module 4:
Free End Turning – 2 Day Course
This course aims to develop knowledge and skills involved in end grain hollowing articles when the grain is running parallel to the axis of the lathe.
This course will cover eggcups, vases, goblets and box making.
Included is the making and use of internal templates and end grain cutting techniques using various tools plus a discussion of the creative aspects of box making.
*Requires completion of Module 1. Introduction to Woodturning Course.*

Module 5:
Kit Projects -2 Day Course
Woodturning kits are the perfect way to use up small pieces of beautiful timber to produce practical items that can be used as one-off custom gifts.
In this course, the student will learn about the myriad of turning kits available plus the necessary equipment, techniques and procedures.
Kits covered will include a pen, letter opener, pepper grinder, wall clock, wine stopper and others depending on availability of kits prior to class commencement.
They will also learn some little known secrets to ensure the best possible outcome for their efforts.
*Requires completion of Module 1. Introduction to Woodturning Course.*

Module 6:
Advanced Woodturning Techniques – 2 Day Course
*Please note that this module is open to those who have completed at least 2 of the 5 previous modules (including Module 1).*
This module is aimed at turners with some experience of basic woodturning who are looking to broaden their skill development.
It is an extension of basic concepts and is designed to introduce the turner to new skills and act as launching point for the student to explore new ground and develop a creative approach to their work.
The projects for this module include turning a spoon, multi-sided tool handle, bowl with carved feet, multi-axis candle holder and fine stemmed goblet including making and using a string steady plus a discussion of steady rests for use in long free-end hollowing.

Module 7:
Sharpening Skills – One Day Course
Properly ground, razor sharp tools are essential to successful and enjoyable woodturning. A sharp tool is also necessary from a safety standpoint as dull tools require more effort and pressure in order to cut thereby increasing the risk of damage or injury.
In this module, the student will learn the fundamental techniques of tool sharpening as used by top professionals in the field and help the student achieve consistent, repeatable results. Many of the techniques are universal and can be applied to tools used in all woodworking disciplines.
There will be a discussion on grinders, wheels, hones and other equipment used in the sharpening process plus the different bevel angles and profiles found to be effective on various tools. The student will learn how to produce these shapes both freehand and using a grinding jig.
The course will include sharpening gouges, chisels and parting tools as well as scrapers, both neutral and negative rake.
If students already have their own tools, they are encouraged to bring them along so that at the end of the course they can take home a set of razor sharp tools.
*This module DOESN’T require completion of the “Module 1. Introduction to Woodturning” to undertake.*

Module 8:
Beginner Woodcarving – 2 Day Course
This course is designed to help demystify the craft of wood carving for first-time and beginner students. It will include a discussion of carving disciplines, tool types and sharpening plus transferring designs and work holding strategies. We will also cover suitable timbers for carving.
Step by step instruction will be provided in whittling, chip carving and low relief carving. These three carving styles are particularly suitable to help students learn the fundamentals of tool presentation and cutting techniques. All projects will be completed using only four carving tools.
*This module DOESN’T require completion of “Module 1: Introduction to Woodturning” to undertake.*

(02) 4577 5277
15 Railway Road N,
Mulgrave NSW 2756